Body Corporate FAQs
- A committee can refuse dogs that are declared dangerous breeds
- An approved pet dog was barking last night, so that means we get rid of it
- Are companion animals automatically approved as pets?
- Can a barking dog be banned from a strata scheme in Queensland?
- Can a body corporate ban a restricted breed of dog or a dangerous dog?
- An adjudicator’s order is not worth the paper it is written on, people can just get away with anything and there are no consequences
- Can the Commissioner’s Office keep sensitive personal information private?
- The Commissioner’s Office can award damages for loss of rent
- The Commissioner’s Office deals with complaints about body corporate managers
- The Commissioner’s Office provides rulings when I call them
- As long as people have paid all their levies, but not any other fees, you can still nominate for committee
- Bodies corporate cannot restrict proxies
- Casual committee vacancies need to be filled by seeking nominations from owners and having an EGM
- Committee resignations – what happens next?
- How often should the committee meet?
- A body corporate can refund levies raised for things that are now not needed
- As long as people have paid all their levies, but not any other fees, you can still nominate for committee
- Committees should not pursue levies from owners in unfortunate financial positions
- There are pensioner discounts on levies
- Bodies corporate and telecommunications providers – don’t be railroaded
- Maintenance responsibilities for lots and common property?
- Termite infestation is a body corporate responsibility because termites will always enter from common property
- Water is leaking into my apartment: who pays for repairs?
- Water penetrating from upstairs means the costs for fixing a lot should be paid for by the upstairs lot owner
- A body corporate is entitled to prove that someone’s partner is who they say the owner says they are
- A potential purchaser needs to have an unconditional contract before they can access records
- Emails between committee members about body corporate issues are private conversations
- It is reasonable not to give an owner the body corporate roll
- Owners’ email addresses or phone numbers are private
- Breach notices require urgent action
- CCTV footage can only be viewed by the committee or onsite manager
- Conciliation is a waste of time as it’s all just about talking and we’ve done enough of that
- If a dispute needs to be resolved urgently, you just ask for an interim order
- Owners don’t have to do anything about installing new flooring and people’s complaints from beneath them