
A common misconception is that if the by-laws are registered they are lawful, valid and enforceable. This is not the case.

By-law review

Body corporate by-laws are the rules for a building outside those imposed by legislation. When registering a CMS, the Titles Office merely looks at the form of the document, not the content of the by-laws in it.

We have seen the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to body corporate by-laws, and have helped many buildings bring their by-laws up-to-date to ensure they are legally valid and enforceable.

We offer a free by-laws assessment, including a report of your existing by-laws, highlighting any that are not legally valid.

Enforcing by-laws

Getting the right advice on whether a by-law is lawful should be the first step in any by-law dispute. You cannot enforce something that is simply unlawful.

There are then many ways to address issues of by-law enforcement. Our experienced team will actively guide you around your options and the processes and procedures involved.

Should the issue proceed to litigation our professionals are by your side, bringing extensive experience and commercially astute advice.

Find an expert in By-laws