Politics in strata! Find out what factions and voting blocs are and how they work in strata.
Take the time to profile and identify exactly who and what you’re dealing with. Remember that your idea of a faction or bloc voting might actually be people voting for things because, well, that’s what they want! You might have to accept you don’t (and won’t) have the numbers.
Just as in politics, in strata there are ringleaders and kingmakers. They aren’t always the people in the defined leadership roles, such as chairperson or secretary. They might be in the background but they wield influence. Sometimes it is the most quiet players who are the most active in a faction, or gather a bloc.
Tough but necessary question to ask yourself. If you think all this political stuff is beneath you, fine – just be honest about it and don’t complain when you don’t get what you want. Decide how much you are prepared to do to further your interests, regardless of if you are committee or owner or caretaker, and then be prepared to bring in external help to do so.
Appointing an administrator https://hyneslegal.com.au/insightswebinars/administration-of-a-strata-scheme
Frank has extensive experience in strata law and is an active participant in the body corporate and management rights industries. He regularly presents at industry events and offers thought leadership on why strata and body corporate disputes need to be resolved in a different way.
Formerly Queensland’s Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management, Chris’ experience in dealing with strata issues and resolving conflict in body corporate is unmatched. Chris bring unmatched experience to the table as well as a unique perspective on solving issues in strata. Chris now heads up strata consultancy firm Strata Solve.