Building Profiles: Duplex

Article by
Current as at
October 18, 2024



From 1 October 2022 Queensland will see significant changes to residential tenancies law. Find out what they will mean for strata.


Top 3 Takeaways for Building Profiles: 2 Lot Schemes and Duplex


If It Walks Like a Duck… 

…it IS a duck. If you or your neighbour think you’re not part of a body corporate, simply because there are only two of you, then think again: very likely you are and very likely there are a whole raft of rights and obligations you are missing out on.  


You’re Going To Have to Communicate

Being in a two-lot scheme is like being a business partnership – or a marriage! And whether you like the other person or not, communication is so important because without it, nothing will get done and you will find yourself in an endless loop of dysfunction. Consider getting outside, qualified assistance to cut through, if need be.  


Record-Keeping Is Paramount  

It is tempting to be casual with record-keeping in a two-lot scheme, given its relative informality. That’s a big mistake because at some point, whether it is you, your fellow owner, an occupier or someone else, a record of what has happened, and why, is going to be required. Not being able to produce that record could have significant financial consequences.  

 Are you ready to review your by-laws?

With the new residential tenancy laws coming into place, now is a good time to assess your by-laws and make sure they are valid and legally enforceable. Hynes will assess your by-laws and provide you a report and proposal that outlines which of your by-laws are not legally enforceable, and what needs to be done to fix them.


Hynes Webinar Hosts


Frank Higginson
Partner & Director @ Hynes Legal

Frank has extensive experience in strata law and is an active participant in the body corporate and management rights industries. He regularly presents at industry events and offers thought leadership on why strata and body corporate disputes need to be resolved in a different way.



Chris Irons
Director & Consultant @ Strata Solve

Formerly Queensland’s Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management, Chris ‘ experience in dealing with strata issues and resolving conflict in body corporate is unmatched. Chris bring unmatched experience to the table as well as a unique perspective on solving issues in strata. Chris now heads up strata consultancy firm Strata Solve.



Are your by-laws legally valid and enforceable?
Simply upload your CMS and we will provide a free assessment as to whether your by-laws are valid and enforceable.