Body Corporate Building Profile: Short-Term Letting Buildings

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Current as at
October 18, 2024


In this Hynes Legal webinar series, Frank Higginson and Chris Irons profile different types of body corporate buildings to examine their common pitfalls, and look at what you can do to make it work for you. This webinar is the first in the series and examines short-term letting buildings that include short stay accommodation, AirBnB and other short-term renters.


Top 3 Takeaways For Making Short-term Letting Work:

Permanent and Short-term CAN Co-Exist  

It is not impossible. The key is to being realistic and keeping your expectations manageable. If you are one permanent resident out of 100 other short-term let lots, you are unlikely to be able to rage against the machine to get changes you want.  


Look At The Bigger Picture And Remember Where You Are  

Buildings are short-term let for a reason – mainly, about where they are located, in high -density or tourist-centric locations. That means there are bigger picture benefits (and priorities) which go beyond merely strata. Local, state and federal governments may have a keen interest in what goes on around you.  


Building Profiles Can Change  

In other words – the way your building is now, is not necessarily how your building will always be. People come and go and the property market changes. You might find that in a few years, you are more owner-occupier as a building – and that can change everything.  



Hynes Webinar Hosts


Frank Higginson
Partner & Director @ Hynes Legal

Frank has extensive experience in strata law and is an active participant in the body corporate and management rights industries. He regularly presents at industry events and offers thought leadership on why strata and body corporate disputes need to be resolved in a different way.



Chris Irons
Director & Consultant @ Strata Solve

Formerly Queensland’s Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management, Chris ‘ experience in dealing with strata issues and resolving conflict in body corporate is unmatched. Chris bring unmatched experience to the table as well as a unique perspective on solving issues in strata. Chris now heads up strata consultancy firm Strata Solve.






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