Lot Entitlement Adjustments in QLD

We have the expertise and experience to assist anyone in pursuing a lot entitlement adjustment.

Lot entitlement adjustments remain one of the most emotive areas in strata law.

While it is possible to have empathy for both sides of the lot entitlement adjustment debate, the law is the law and it is shortly going to allow adjustments in certain circumstances.

The follow on from the abovementioned article is that the government is now revising their bill that will allow entitlements to be adjusted again. That is likely to become law in the first half of 2013.

Lawyers at Hynes Legal acted in the very first lot entitlement litigation (Centrepoint) and acted in the matter that the then Fair Trading Minister, Peter Lawlor, used as an example when changing the law to allow reversions (Pinnacle).

Between those periods we have also acted in dozens of matters under the former adjustment regime. We already have clients lining up for action under the new regime when it arrives.  If you would like to be contacted when we have more information on how adjustments will be calculated, you can email us to request that by clicking here.

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