What by-laws does a body corporate require to govern smoking in a scheme?
Reviewing and Updating Smoking By-Laws
The legal framework surrounding smoking by-laws in Queensland is changing, so it is important for a body corporate to ensure its suite of by-laws are both up-to-date and legally enforceable.
Amending by-laws in isolation can have unintended consequences, as well as lead to possible legal complications. It is always advisable to review by-laws as a whole to minimise potential legal issues further down the track.
Smoking by-laws are particularly contentious as they deal with people’s perceived rights, both on the pro-smoking and the anti-smoking sides. This is why it is so important to get them right.
Hynes Legal offers a free body corporate by-law review to identify any potential problems: https://offers.hyneslegal.com.au/free-body-corporate-bylaws-review
Given the changing direction of strata law in Queensland, now is the sensible time to ensure by-laws are in place to achieve the body corporate’s aims.
Hynes Webinars related to Smoking in Strata
Passive smoking in strata: https://hyneslegal.com.au/insightswebinars/smoking-in-strata-webinar
Landlords, bodies corporate and smoking: https://hyneslegal.com.au/insightswebinars/smoking-in-strata
Strata law reform and smoking: https://hyneslegal.com.au/insightswebinars/strata-laws-what-should-happen-next