Free By-Laws Assessment

Are your by-laws legally valid and enforceable?

Simply upload your CMS using the form below and we will provide a FREE assessment as to whether your by-laws are valid and enforceable.

The Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 (Qld) (BCCMA) has several restrictions on what by-laws can address. Most schemes have by-laws that are not consistent with these legislative provisions and are therefore not legal and cannot be enforced.

We also regularly see by-laws that fail to adequately cater for every by-law need of the building, as they have never been reviewed holistically with regard to the individual body corporate’s characteristics.

Add to this sweeping reforms to Queensland strata legislation in 2024, and the timing is crucial to review your by-laws and ensure they remain relevant and enforceable. 

Management Rights Transactions
Register below to receive an obligation free proposal including a report of your existing by-laws, highlighting any that are not valid or legally enforceable:

    What can you expect from a new set of by-laws?

    Perfectly Tailored By-laws

    Rather than working from the existing base of (usually) largely incorrect by-laws, Hynes Legal work with the committee to write a new set of by-laws from scratch. We deliver a unique, tailored set of by-laws they are 100% legal and enforceable should they be tested in court.

    Hynes Legal Experts

    More Cost Effective

    Hynes are pleased to offer clients a less expensive and more effective solution to by-law reviews. Creating a set of scheme specific by-laws requires less hours to create than would be required to carry out a line-by-line review of the existing by-laws. We pass this cost saving onto our clients to deliver a far more cost effective solution.

    Easier to Use

    The resulting set of by-laws are written with the end user in mind, they are easier for everyone to understand and are not written in complex and verbose legalese language. We create a set of by-laws that are in a logical order, broken down into relevant sections as opposed to the usual 1 through to 40 by-law format.

    “… in almost every scheme we have seen, as the original by-laws get tested, more and more of them are being shown up as unlawful and unenforceable…”

    – Frank Higginson, Partner & Director Hynes Legal