Is your visitor parking being abused by people who are not visitors and if they are then what can you potentially do about it? As a starting point you need to understand what or who is classified as a visitor. The steps you can take to stop unauthorised use of your visitor car parking all comes down to your by-laws.
Interestingly enough, the Body Corporate and Community. Management Act 1997 (BCCM Act) does not define who a visitor is, so we are left with dictionary definitions and adjudications (and perhaps even a dose of common sense, as scary as that may seem to be).
Interestingly enough, the Body Corporate and Community. Management Act 1997 (BCCM Act) does not define who a visitor is, so we are left with dictionary definitions and adjudications (and perhaps even a dose of common sense, as scary as that may seem to be).
Let’s start with the basics.
You need to have a lawful visitor parking by-law. A simple example is set out in Schedule 4 of the BCCM Act. If you don’t have that, you have nowhere to go, and that means you should send us your CMS for a free by-law review proposal, where we will tell you some of the other by-laws you are missing too.
A visitor is someone who (obviously enough) visits which includes:
As you would expect, there have been quite a few adjudications over the years. Some of the passages we have found illuminating (and our takeaway from each) include:
Picture Point [2004] QBCCMCmr 384
This was a dispute about short and long-stay occupants using the visitor car parks.
‘There does seem to be some uncertainty about who constitutes a genuine visitor to the scheme and will be entitled to use the visitor car parks.
There seems to be a general understanding that occupiers of the scheme are not entitled to use the visitor car parks.
However, the distinction between an occupier and a visitor may not always be completely clear. As a general rule:-
The more difficult questions arise when a person stays with someone for a number of nights or on a very regular basis. In those cases, it will be necessary to look at all the circumstances to determine if they are an occupier or a visitor.’
Our takeaway: This was an early decision indicating the difficulties in actually deciding who a visitor was and confirmed that it was not as simple as whose name is on the lease.
Summer Waters [2004] QBCCMCmr 244
This was one where an occupier’s son stayed overnight at his parent’s unit for seven nights over a 26-day period.
‘It is not disputed that the … son periodically visits the scheme land, and on occasion, stays overnight. It is also not disputed that during these periods, the … son parks his vehicle in an area of common property allocated for visitor car parking.
While it is arguable that this shows that the … son is a regular visitor to the scheme, in my view, regularly visiting the scheme does not make a person an ‘occupier’ of a lot in the scheme, even if on occasion those visits are on an overnight basis. As a result, I am not satisfied that the Respondent’s son is an ‘occupier’ for the purposes of the parking by-law.’
Our takeaway: Regular visitors who occasionally stay overnight are just that – visitors not occupiers.
Gresham Gardens [2006] QBCCMCmr 355
This was one where an occupier’s son stayed overnight in his parent’s unit two to three nights a week, every week.
‘The question is whether [the son] falls within the category of “someone else who lives on the lot” or is in the nature of a visitor or invitee.
Terms such as ‘visitor’ or ‘invitee’ are not defined in the body corporate legislation or the by-laws. However, it seems to me that a visitor or invitee in this context refers to a person associated with an owner or occupier who is temporarily present on a lot or common property, with or without invitation…
I am of the view that the factors to be considered in this issue are:-
I do not consider it is necessary that a person stay overnight every night of the week to be an occupant.
A person who stays overnight in a residential lot 2 or 3 nights on a regular basis could still be considered an occupier.
I do not consider that the lot must be the person’s principal place of residence for them to be an occupier of the lot. It is conceivable that a person may occupy more than one residential abode.
If someone were to visit regularly but not usually stay overnight, or were to stay overnight for a few nights occasionally, I would not normally consider they were occupying the lot. The key here, I believe, is the combination of two factors. Firstly, the respondent stays overnight for 2 or 3 nights (rather than just visiting during the day or evening) and in addition, the respondent is present on a very regular basis (every week, or at least most weeks). Moreover, with the respondent’s place of work is nearby, it does not appear to be a temporary arrangement.”
Our takeaway: If the person’s presence is not temporary or occasional in nature, they may well be an occupier (even when their principal place of residence is elsewhere).
127 Charlotte Street [2015] QBCCMCmr 19
This was one where employees of the resident manager were using the visitor car parks.
“I consider a ‘visitor’ would include anyone who is not an occupier of a lot, but who is genuinely visiting a lot or the scheme. I do not consider this is limited to residential or non-commercial visits. While a visitor may be a friend or family member visiting a tenant, they may also be a contractor such as an electrician visiting the scheme to do work.
I would consider the employees of the resident manager to be occupiers to the extent that they predominantly or regularly work at the building (as distinct from, for example, an employee who is based elsewhere but visits for an ad hoc meeting). However, a cleaning contractor attending to clean one or more lots would arguably fall within the designation of a visitor.”
Our takeaway: a visitor could be a family member, friend or the electrician appearing as a one-off, but permanent or regular attendees may well not be visitors.
What does all this mean?
It depends on the circumstances.
Occupiers are definitely not visitors. We think a person is an occupier if they have a right to use a lot exclusively. In a permanent letting sense, this would come from the lease, and in a short-term letting sense, this would come from the licence they have to use the lot from the owner.
And before anyone asks, we don’t think that an occupier needs to be named on the lease or licence to be that. It is a matter of fact.
Regular attendees to the scheme who use the visitor car parks:
Can a body corporate tow a car?
The BCCM review paper on towing
By-law enforcement process as published by the Commissioner’s Office